Semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya.....

Monday, August 8, 2011


ala..semua orang pon dah tau dah kan menda alah ni..tanda2 ovulation..

same jugak macam saya..CD14 keluar egg white..memang bertali la..bleh tahan banyak sebab baru lagi..senang nak bawak keluar..hihi..memang agak hari subur kot tu walaupon Dr ada cakap tak leh pakai ewcm ni...tapi hantam...bukan rugi pon kalau ML kan kan..hehe..tapi malang nya tak pon ML time tu..ikhik

bila nak bagitau hubby ada ewcm selalu tak terkeluar..taktau nak wat ayat camne *malu* la konon kan..

now ni..CD18..keluar skit ewcm..dan ade terbaca..ewcm ni jugak adelah tanda2 selepas ovulation...meh baca bawah

Egg white cervical mucous is a fertile sign, right? From everything you have read about cervical fluid and ovulation, you probably know that seeing egg white looking cervical mucous is a sign of ovulation. But, what if you notice ewcm after your chart shows that you have ovulated. What does this mean?

There are a few possibilities. It is possible to have ewcm after you ovulate. The hormone estrogen is involved in the production of ewcm. As estrogen increases just before ovulation, you will notice an increase in cervical mucous. This egg white looking mucous is a sign of high fertility. When you notice ewcm you should consider yourself fertile and plan on having intercourse if you are trying to conceive.

Here are some ways to tell the difference between EWCM and semen:
EWCM is stretchy: EWCM is very elastic. If you put it between your fingers, it will stretch without breaking apart. Semen, on the other hand, doesn’t stretch and will break apart if you put it between your fingers and try to stretch it.

EWCM is slippery and clear: While semen may feel slippery as well, it looks white and cloudy. Not clear, like EWCM. EWCM is more transparent and feels very slippery.

EWCM does not absorb easily: If you look at the toilet paper when you use the bathroom and notice mucous on the toilet paper, you can tell if it is actually mucous by waiting a few minutes. If it is semen it will quickly absorb into the toilet paper, whereas EWCM generally will sit on top of the toilet paper.

EWCM will form a ball in water: When you go to the bathroom, let the mucous drop into the toilet water. If it turns into a ball and sinks, it is most likely EWCM. If it dissolves into the water, it is most likely semen.

so bila korang agak2 dah lepas hari subur tu tetiba keluar ewcm maknanya dah terlepas la tu..(jom pandai2 jadi Dr..haha)

Assalamualaikum :)


Mrs.ShiZni said...

Dah kawin 3 tahun pun boleh malu kiut la you. Cakap "jom" je!

mahujadiibu said...

jangan malu2 eimma..:P

yummy mummy said...

tu ;a..nak cakap jom tu la tak terkeluar..hikhik

puanstoberi said...

takyah cakap pun tak pe kut, bagi hint2 dan body gesture je. misti incik somi paham. hohoho :P

Ayien Azreen said...

i lak siap tunjuk kat mr Hubby... n dia akan tanye... ape itew... tiap bulan dok xplain... ngee~


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